iStream – Kick-off meeting

The iStream kick-off meeting took place in Ancona, Italy, on January 27-28, 2025.

The main goal of the project is to bridge the gap of competences in the use of immersive technologies in the media, journalism and communication sectors. It aims at improving the effectiveness of Higher education curricula thus reducing digital skills mismatch in the European media and communication sector.

The project wants to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • To improve knowledge, skills and competences of curricula developers in order to develop and integrate academic training paths focused on immersive journalism.
  • To improve knowledge, skills and competences of Higher Education teachers and trainers necessary to implement academic courses related to the profile of the immersive journalist.
  • To raise awareness of the potential of the use of immersive technologies in the communication and media sectors.

The project is coordinated by UNIWERSYTET KOMISJI EDUKACJI NARODOWEJ W KRAKOWIE (UKEN) from Poland. Four other organizations are also involved: Learnable and Università Politecnica delle Marche from Italy, University of Nicosia from Cyprus, and Infinitivity Design Labs from France.

During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to present their organisations and define the work plan for the coming months.

The topics discussed were as follows:

  • Project Overview and Results, with a focus on the main results of the second work package, including:
    • the production of the iStream Framework providing a clear immersive journalist profile described in terms of learning outcomes
    • the production of the iStream CURRICULUM, providing a one-year university study track on immersive journalism implementable as a specialisation year for BA students, one year MA programme and postgraduate programme;
  • Project Dissemination and Expected Outcomes
  • Administrative and supporting documents that are required for successful project management and reporting
  • Quality Assurance

The partnership will now be involved in validating the structure of the Trainer Platform, to start content production and layout work to have a draft version of the output ready by April 2025

To stay updated on project developments, you can visit the Facebook Page and LinkedIn page.

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